What We Do

Connect. Support. Advocate.

Canopy Expertise

Let Canopy Consulting help you think about who you are, where you want to go and how to get there.

Organizational Structuring

Change is inevitable. Sometimes it’s thought through and carefully planned, other times it comes as a surprise. No matter the circumstances, there is opportunity in change, but how to find opportunity is not always obvious. That’s where we can help.

Operational Strategy & Design

Discover what it takes to design supportive workplaces or community spaces where you, your staff, your board, and your volunteers build long-lasting relationships.

Impact & Outcomes

  • Good leadership is not just crucial for success it can be found throughout your ranks. Let Canopy Consulting assist you in recognizing and developing talent in your emerging leaders.

  • Improve communication, collaboration and overall team cohesiveness, with an emphasis on connections across hierarchies, to maximize outcomes.

  • Canopy Consulting can guide you to identifying your needs–establishing your success metrics together, and helping identify the tools and processes required to shed light on how to best progress toward your goals.

  • Finally, Canopy Consulting can help you think about the future. We can work on developing strategies for growth, expansion, and innovation, so you can stay nimble in the face of change and better recognize when to seize new opportunities.